serving in

Manhattan, New York

Why New York?

12 years ago we began praying about serving the Lord full time on the mission field. We were not sure what that looked like or where that meant. Over the years, one place has been drawing us back: New York City.

Bobby has been a pastor on staff with Redemption Church for 16 years. It is not easy to leave a place that we so dearly love, but this past summer Seth Maggio ended his sermon with these words. “If you had 3 years left on this earth, where would you make the most impact for the gospel?”

We discussed what that meant for us all week. Saturday night Bobby prayed, “Lord, You have called us to go. We don’t know where, and we know that it might mean giving up the security of a salary and raising support. Even so, we say yes to what You have in store for us.”

We had no idea that the very next morning God would lead us to connect with a Pastor from Hell’s Kitchen and set this journey in motion.

Our Work

One Community Church

We will partner with One Community Church in Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan. This is a new church plant that launched officially in January 2022. Bobby will serve on staff as the Executive Pastor of OCC . There will also be opportunities for Bobby to work with other NAMB church plants in the city in the logistical arena of operations.

I will serve full time with OCC on the mission team. My heart and calling is to reach Muslim young women. Our pastor has connected me with 2 different organizations in the city for outreach.

We will also partner with the North American Mission Board to engage young adults to commit to serving on mission in the city. We are bringing two college graduates who have committed to serve with a new church plant in the Harlem area. We hope for our apartment to be a launching pad to bring young adults into New York to serve.

One Community Church On Mission

The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood. -  John 1:14 MSG

Jesus had a unique way of doing ministry. He, the Son of God, became human and, in doing so, came to us, living like one of us, yet without sin. We, too, must be willing to build relationships and “do life” with those we have been sent to while being obedient to the Gospel. This work is a modeling of the incarnation, putting on “flesh and blood” and “moving into the neighborhood.”

We believe this is done best by learning about our neighbors, and our neighborhoods while being Jesus to our communities. New York City is a city of 8 - 10 million people, but it is also a city of neighborhoods. We do the work of incarnation by learning the story of our neighbors, stepping into it, and showing them a new way of living, the way of Jesus and His kingdom

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